Complete Agency Audit

Discover what's preventing your agency's growth
Increase profits
Improve client satisfaction
Retain top talent
Better work-life balance
Sleep better at night

If you’re reading this, it’s likely that your agency is experiencing some challenges or barriers that are preventing you from achieving your goals. The first step to overcoming these is my audit service, which will help you to uncover your challenges and start moving forward.

I’ll take a scientific approach to auditing your agency, based on my years of industry experience leading me to figure out what works and what doesn’t. No part of your agency will be left untouched. I go in with an open mind, looking at your current processes and talking to your team to get a big picture of your operations. From there, I will provide you with helpful recommendations on how to move forward.

To uncover the hidden barriers hindering your business growth, my approach focuses on four key pillars for agency success:

  • Leadership
  • Financial Management
  • People
  • Process

I take a deep dive into your business, assess its unique challenges, and help you on the path to success. The audit comes in three key stages:

1. Discovery

We explore your agency’s challenges and barriers to growth. I help you identify goals, and craft a proposal on how I’ll enhance your efficiency, profitability, and daily operations.

2. Evaluation

I assess your whole agency, including all departments, team structures, procedures, systems, workflow, and finances. This pinpoints concerns and reveals obstacles to growth.

3. Presentation

Following the evaluation, I present my findings and recommendations. I also deliver an actionable plan to improve your agency through positive changes.

The Complete Agency Audit offers insights into performance, client satisfaction, financial health, and more, useful for a range of stakeholders. It’s designed to help you identify and eliminate barriers to growth, helping you to reach your goals in a competitive and challenging market.


Is your agency ready to scale?

Not sure where your agency stands? Want practical, tailored advice on how to reach your goals? My quick and easy assessment will give you instant and personalised recommendations to enhance your financial, operational, and strategic readiness. It only takes five minutes, is completely free, and with absolutely no commitment.

take the assessment

Want to achieve sustainable growth and a profitable agency, but just don't know where to start?